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Seeking a Spiritual Master

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Seeking a Spiritual Master Empty Seeking a Spiritual Master

Post by seekerjuan Thu May 28, 2009 11:06 am

After reading some of the comments from Bob and others as to finding a spiritual master or teacher, I undertook a search. After several dead ends I have come across someone that seems to be genuine. He is a Zoroastrian and teaches meditation as part of a criminal rehabilitation program. He teaches the general public meditation for stress management, but also for enlightenment, when the student is so motivated. His wife teaches meditation for school children.

I met with him today. He and his wife teach the general public meditation and stress management out of their home. They are not affiliated with TM but claim to use similar techniques. He was very easy to talk to and seemed to have a similar view of things that I do. They described things, that matched my spiritual experience quite well. (He had charts before I got there so I know I wasn't leading him.. Smile

I was intrigued by his Zoroastrianism as I believe there are roots of this in Gnosticism. He is willing to instruct me in meditation techniques and other areas of enlightenment, but he asks three things. 1.) A commitment of my time to the training. 2.) I must refrain from drugs/alcohol during the training, and 3.) a sacrifice of money. Yeah, the last one was the catch....

He charges according to ability to pay. Those who are referred to him through the courts are covered by nominal payment from the state. Others who voluntarily come to him for drug rehabilitation, parole officers, etc., he charges very little or for free. For those who are of lower income, nurses, teaches, etc. he charges a little more then has a sliding scale based on what he believes they can afford. He uses the money from the higher income clients to support his activities for the lower income clients. I sense that the money is a form of commitment to the teaching, a sacrifice of sorts. (He is a lawyer, so I suspect this is not about the money.)

He has agreed to meet with me in two days to begin an introduction to the techniques. He says there will be no payment required unless I decide to begin the actual training and instructions.

What do you think? What costs have others seen for this kind of thing?

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Seeking a Spiritual Master Empty Re: Seeking a Spiritual Master

Post by seekerjuan Sat May 30, 2009 7:08 am

Just an update.

I had my second meeting with the Master. We met over and extended lunch time. It went quite well. He is a very kind person and seems quite genuine in his approach.

An interesting thing happened on the way to meet with him. On my way to work, it occurred to me that I should bring something on my second visit. As he is Zoroastrian, I knew that light would be symbolic. So, I had a laser pointer/flash light combination that I decided to give him so that he could use it in his lectures. I was trying to think of something to
give his wife who assists him and works with kids. For no reason at all, someone gave me two bottles of bubble liquid. So, I knew this was meant for her.

When I arrived at their home for my initial instructions, I presented him with the light. Of course, his wife tried to take it from him, but I had something for her as well. His wife then told me that today was his birthday. She then pointed out a table of
presents that were there for him. It was amazing...

I've decided to pursue the training and see where it leads. I have told him my goals and he believes there is much he can show me in time.

More to come in a few weeks.

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Seeking a Spiritual Master Empty Re: Seeking a Spiritual Master

Post by Admin Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:38 am

seekerjuan wrote:After reading some of the comments from Bob and others as to finding a spiritual master or teacher, I undertook a search. After several dead ends I have come across someone that seems to be genuine. He is a Zoroastrian and teaches meditation as part of a criminal rehabilitation program. He teaches the general public meditation for stress management, but also for enlightenment, when the student is so motivated. His wife teaches meditation for school children.

I met with him today. He and his wife teach the general public meditation and stress management out of their home. They are not affiliated with TM but claim to use similar techniques. He was very easy to talk to and seemed to have a similar view of things that I do. They described things, that matched my spiritual experience quite well. (He had charts before I got there so I know I wasn't leading him.. Smile

I was intrigued by his Zoroastrianism as I believe there are roots of this in Gnosticism. He is willing to instruct me in meditation techniques and other areas of enlightenment, but he asks three things. 1.) A commitment of my time to the training. 2.) I must refrain from drugs/alcohol during the training, and 3.) a sacrifice of money. Yeah, the last one was the catch....

He charges according to ability to pay. Those who are referred to him through the courts are covered by nominal payment from the state. Others who voluntarily come to him for drug rehabilitation, parole officers, etc., he charges very little or for free. For those who are of lower income, nurses, teaches, etc. he charges a little more then has a sliding scale based on what he believes they can afford. He uses the money from the higher income clients to support his activities for the lower income clients. I sense that the money is a form of commitment to the teaching, a sacrifice of sorts. (He is a lawyer, so I suspect this is not about the money.)

He has agreed to meet with me in two days to begin an introduction to the techniques. He says there will be no payment required unless I decide to begin the actual training and instructions.

What do you think? What costs have others seen for this kind of thing?

Personally I would beware of anyone asking for money in order to reveal Spiritual Knowledge! My Master has never asked me for money, although I have voluntarily given both time and money to support his mission.

PLU ~ Bob Very Happy

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Seeking a Spiritual Master Empty Re: Seeking a Spiritual Master

Post by seekerjuan Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:09 am

Admin wrote:
Personally I would beware of anyone asking for money in order to reveal Spiritual Knowledge! My Master has never asked me for money, although I have voluntarily given both time and money to support his mission.

Yes, this is bothering me a bit. I haven't been back since the second meeting. I'm still attempting to decide.

I believe I found the technique he uses based on what he described and told me.

I spoke to a friend from India who has used this technique. It was not completely successful for her.

Anyone else know anything about this method?


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Seeking a Spiritual Master Empty Re: Seeking a Spiritual Master

Post by Thoughts01 Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:23 am

How does one seek a spiritual master? Do you put an ad in the paper?

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