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Post by Admin Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:05 am


by Gregorian Bivolaru.

Many people heard stories, which are absolutely true, only
on false GURUS or spiritual guides, and because such stories are much more
frequent than the ones about real, authentic GURUS or spiritual guides, they
remained with a deformed and aberrant impression on the nature of the
master-disciple relationship.

The authentic-spiritual link between a spiritual master and
a true disciple never had anything to do with the relation between a master and
his slaves and does not imply that the disciples forever bow and be inert at
the feet of their GURU, waiting without doing any personal effort that one day,
the GURU should have mercy on them and give them the spiritual liberation for
the simple reason that they served him their whole life. The connection between
the master and the disciple also has nothing in common with the so often
comical relationship between a super star and his hysterical adulating fans who
obsessively hunt for the smallest gesture or look from the one they adore, a
person who is itself so often very superficial.

Also, the master-disciple relationship is not similar to the
relationship between a military commander and his hierarchical subordinates who
are under obligation to blindly execute any orders, and are promoted upon their
ability to obey without questioning and hesitation the orders of their

If we had to pick, as an analogical example, a common human
relationship which is closest to the ideal and profound relationship between a
true GURU and a true disciple, the only one would be the relationship between
an expert mountain guide and an aspiring climber.

A sincere, devoted and serious spiritual aspirant is just
like a climber who wishes to conquer the highest mountain in the world as soon
as possible, but currently does not know the best route and does not have
enough experience to successfully finish this extraordinary adventure. If we
would truly want to conquer the highest mountain top as soon as possible, as
beginner climbers we would have several options : we could, for example, make
the stupid decision to take on the ascension alone, on our own, or we could
choose to join a group of more experienced climbers (that are trying for the
first time to get to this top just like us), but in both cases the chances of
success would be reduced and the dangers we would face be greater. On the other
hand we could take as a guide a book written by a person who already made it to
the top but, the book, no matter how well written, would be unable to take into
consideration all the factors of success like : our strength, talent and
experience as climbers and would not be able to completely anticipate all the
obstacles like : weather changes, modifications that occurred in the relief,
landslides, avalanches, etc.

Finally, the best choice would be to look very carefully and
find a real live person who made it to the top and wishes to accompany us and
help us if needed all the way. When we searched for this expert we would not
care for his exterior appearance, the way he dresses up, his religion or skin
color. All that mattered tough would be if he REALLY REACHED THE TOP we are
about to climb. He has to know very well the way and have an excellent teaching
skill, patience and experience in climbing. He has to choose a path depending
on our qualities : perseverance, vitality, dedication, power, skill, courage
but also our defects, a path that best fits our real capacities and also to
teach us all that he thinks is necessary to reach our aim quickly and safely.

In spirituality, like in other domains, the presence of an
excellent guide who has an authentic knowledge and a vast experience can
greatly help us reduce the time and energy we would waste on useless pursuits.
He could help us eliminate the suffering and the risk of a possible failure. He
would easily lead us to complete success giving us advice on how to utilize our
forces most efficiently. He could even give us a hand when we are in a difficult
situation. He would act wisely towards helping us unlearn our destructive or
unhealthy habits which would otherwise hinder us in the future and facilitate
the development of those qualities that would help us in our ascension. All
these may seem useless to someone standing at the base of the mountain but they
are extremely useful on the way to the top, as the ascension gets more and more
difficult. So, just as a beginner climber would have to take an oath to himself
that he/she would not leave his guide in the middle of the journey and if,
despite better judgement he did so, he/she would have to take full
responsibility and face the huge risks so has an authentic spiritual aspirant
to do - otherwise the master-disciple relationship can never truly work.

Because every GURU or spiritual guide leads his disciple on
the path to Self revelation that best matches the disciple's qualities and his
experience, it would be a stupid thing to take simultaneously the guidance of
more GURUS at once - just as a climber could not climb the mountain with
different guides and on different routes simultaneously - anyone can see this
would be impossible. An analogy preferred by the yogis would be that of an
eccentric traveler that wishes to "safely" cross the sea having each
foot in a different boat.

We cannot say we have a GURU until we are completely sure we
found the right person, someone we are willing to follow unconditionally. Then
we must be ready to apply with perseverance and dedication his teachings. Also,
we cannot say we are true disciples until we follow with self-abnegation all he
asks of us to do.

Every GURU has both disciples and devotees. In the group of
devotees are included those that although they are convinced of the
authenticity of the master, have very little or no wish to make efforts to walk
on the path towards Self realization. These devotees often have a lack of trust
and test their spiritual master and sometimes other masters at the same time,
wasting time in their presence, mentally analysing their behaviour, character,
teachings, gestures, etc. The true disciples are only those spiritual aspirants
who are firmly engaged on the spiritual path and do not have the need to test
their GURU for anything, allowing him to help and support and even test them
when necessary.

Once a true master-disciple relationship appears, the
authentic spiritual journey towards Self revelation begins immediately, with no
delay. During this journey both GURU and disciple have to take on serious
personal responsibilities. Just as a mountain guide, the GURU pledges to take
care of his disciple all the way, but, as we could never have expected the
guide to carry the beginner climber on his back, we cannot expect the GURU to
make the spiritual journey in the place of his disciple. The ascension, even if
it is guided, assisted and even helped by the GURU still must rely on the
personal effort of the disciple. The GURU always accompanies his disciple
spiritually, energetically and telepathically all the way, step by step giving
him/her advice, help and reminding him/her the right way. ONLY WHEN THE
DISCIPLE IS TRULY PREPARED will the GURU teach him/her the shortcuts, the
useful techniques methods to easily surpass all the obstacles, will warn the
disciple on the temptations he/she may be facing and will remove his/hers
doubts and fears with the help of his spiritual powers and huge knowledge and
personal experience.

Also, the GURU inspires and guides his disciples by the power
of his example, but we must understand that the GURU cannot do the work for his
disciples, he cannot carry them "on his back" all the way. The only
exception is the periodic SPIRITUAL EXEMPLIFICATIONS when we can benefit from
his divine grace directly proportional with our degree of spiritual openness.
Consequently it is entirely our responsibility to continue to walk up this path
with no stopping and no detour, no matter what obstacles, difficulties or
sufferings we face. The GURU never has the responsibility to pamper us and
carry us "on his back", permanently, all the way, because the Divine
objective of the spiritual ascension is not to become more and more dependent
on our GURU but to become more and more independent and self sustained, as we
evolve. After the disciple experiences a real spiritual evolution, he becomes

Even tough the spiritual guide is a selflessly and
unconditionally looking after his disciples, he is always the one who gives
guidance, help and commands and not the vice-versa. A disciple who gets angry
because his GURU does not do what he wants or does not satisfy his aberrant
wishes shows a monumental ignorance and egoism. Just as a mountain guide, even
tough he is always at the disposition of his mountaineering student, he always
leads the one who hires him, having better knowledge on how to get to the top
of the mountain, so does the spiritual guide or GURU. In conclusion we have to
have complete trust in our spiritual guide, his divine power to decide what is
best, his wise inspiration and his selfless will to help us - only when we
deserve his help.

If for one reason or another, in the course of our spiritual
journey, we decide to leave our GURU, we have to accept right from the start the
RISK of SPIRITUAL STAGNATION or involution, the risk that we might delay our
spiritual evolution with millions of years and gradually yield to demoniac or
even satanic temptations.

What benefits the disciple from this relationship is
obvious, but what is the benefit of the GURU or spiritual guide ? From now on,
our analogy of the GURU to the expert mountain guide ceases to function. While
the mountain guide offers his services only for financial rewards, the true
spiritual guide does not have any need for material or personal egoist gains,
and because he is a PERFECT BEING he enjoys unconditionally and permanently a
state of supreme happiness and fulfilment. Benefiting from limitless wealth in
spirit, which includes an existence in a state of eternal beatitude accessible
at his wish, he will never be tempted to lead us to the supreme knowledge for
material or any other kind of rewards. His only reward is the divine ecstasy he
experiences when one of his disciples reached the Self realization. Then the
joy of God receiving one of his sons back flows and manifests in the GURU.

The sacred texts show the single reason for which a perfect
being, who reached a state of permanent unity with God or Shiva, would later
assume the role of guiding us to a state identical to his own, is the Infinite
Love and Divine Compassion of God. Only love can make possible the existence in
this world of the perfect spiritual guides, otherwise we would never have had
around us such beings capable of showing us the way towards Self liberation.
Only the limitless compassion will make the GURU assume the role of spiritually
guiding other people towards spiritual liberation.

But what is that which such a compassionate and loving being
expects as a reward for his invaluable help ? The only "thing" the
GURU permanently expects form us is that in turn we be perfect disciples, so
that he can give us his love and guide us with God's help, full of compassion,
towards our spiritual liberation as quick as possible. And after we reach this
stage and are equal to our GURU we become ourselves centres of infinite love
and compassion and bestow spiritual light for those who deserve it.

Never forget that although MANY feel called towards the goal
of Self realization FEW are chosen. Most of them stumble, hesitate, calculate,
stagnate, go astray, critic, allow themselves to be tempted, fall into doubt or
let themselves be overcome by egoism. The CHOSEN ones are the few who are full
of love, humble, patient, perseverant and finally, perhaps when they least
expected or even lost hope, they suddenly reach the ABSOLUTE and are united in
ecstasy with GOD.

The biggest enemy of the mediocre disciple is himself, in
fact, his EGO. Don't forget that "WHEN THE EGO COMES OUT, YOGA INSTANTLY

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Age : 79
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MASTER / DISCIPLE RELATIONSHIP Empty Having not had the teacher, disciple relationship

Post by Lig Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:28 pm

I can not say how true this article is. I can say that it makes sense, but it gives me the creeps. As far as me being either the teacher or disciple, if this is it it's definately not for me at this time Smile

I could not be a disciple the way one is described in the story. Or at least not for anyone I have met so far Smile So far the only people I've met that think they know anything really have no idea.

As for being a teacher, I don't have enough of an idea to even tell my kids what I think LOL... My 4 year old asked me who Jesus was last night and I just told him what many different people think he is. I said that Mommy thinks such and such, but noone really knows. It's something you'll have to find out for yourself. *shrug*
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Post by Nova Fri Aug 29, 2008 3:14 am

Lig wrote:I can not say how true this article is. I can say that it makes sense, but it gives me the creeps. As far as me being either the teacher or disciple, if this is it it's definately not for me at this time Smile

I could not be a disciple the way one is described in the story. Or at least not for anyone I have met so far Smile So far the only people I've met that think they know anything really have no idea.

As for being a teacher, I don't have enough of an idea to even tell my kids what I think LOL... My 4 year old asked me who Jesus was last night and I just told him what many different people think he is. I said that Mommy thinks such and such, but noone really knows. It's something you'll have to find out for yourself. *shrug*

I think that was a GREAT answer! It was honest and will show your son that there are many things in life that have no true answer (that can be agreed upon by everyone, that is) and at least he won't be disillusioned.
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Post by Admin Sun Oct 12, 2008 7:03 am


Mark 10:17-22 "And as he (Yehoshua) was going forth into the way, there ran one to him, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?

And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good save one, even God.

Thou knowest the commandments, Do not kill, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honor thy father and mother.

And he said unto him, Teacher, all these things have I observed from my youth.

And Jesus looking upon him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in Heaven: and come, follow me.

But his countenance fell at the saying, and he went away sorrowful: for he was one that had great possessions." Sad


Deuteronomy 6:4-9 "Hear, O Israel: Yahweh our God is one Yahweh: and thou shalt Love Yahweh thy God with ALL thy heart, and with ALL thy soul, and with ALL thy might. cheers


It is our choice. Very Happy

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Post by Rene Mon Nov 10, 2008 9:22 pm

Oh wow ..... The Master Desciple relationship article is alot to think about... so much to learn here !!

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