A Journey to Gnosis
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Re: A Journey to Gnosis
Admin wrote:I would describe my experience as merging/uniting with the ALL (Godhead/Light/Energy). As losing the lower (carnal / intellectual / individual) self (ego) and rising to the higher (Spirit) Self. Of true UNION (YOGA). The SINGULARITY of singularities. Where nothing but pure Light Energy and Bliss exist. Just Sat Chit Anand (Truth, Consciousness, and Bliss).
PLU ~ Bob
It is my thought that the ego is adjusted and not lost. If it were, then what comes back out? No ego = no you.
You obviously kept your ego or you would not be here telling the story.
Greatest I am- Regular Member
- Number of posts : 52
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Re: A Journey to Gnosis
seekerjuan wrote:Question to both of you, DL and Bob...
I am convinced we all experienced the same phenomenon. I suspect that each of us made the journey to a different level based on our own readiness or incorporated the events into our material, lower self in just slightly different ways because of who we are. This is a common phenomenon with eye witnesses to events.
Did this experience happen once or more than once? How did it happen? Were you seeking It or did It find you?
I am and was a person of logic. This only happened to me the one time. This experience is done through telepathy, or as the ancients say, in the spirit.
Telepathy seems to be emotionally driven with a strong desire. The two components are required to trigger it.
After success, the desire is placated thus destroying one of the requird components. The need is fulfilled.
I felt both great pleasure and pain at the contact. Pain for wrong thinking and pleasure for the thinks I perceived correctly.
The Godhead does not come to one who does not seek it. It is the seeker that must initiate the contact.
Greatest I am- Regular Member
- Number of posts : 52
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Re: A Journey to Gnosis
Greatest I am wrote:Admin wrote:I would describe my experience as merging/uniting with the ALL (Godhead/Light/Energy). As losing the lower (carnal / intellectual / individual) self (ego) and rising to the higher (Spirit) Self. Of true UNION (YOGA). The SINGULARITY of singularities. Where nothing but pure Light Energy and Bliss exist. Just Sat Chit Anand (Truth, Consciousness, and Bliss).
PLU ~ Bob
It is my thought that the ego is adjusted and not lost. If it were, then what comes back out? No ego = no you.
You obviously kept your ego or you would not be here telling the story.
Perhaps, instead of saying 'losing' the ego, I should have said 'leaving it behind' while on the journey. I believe that one day there will be no need to return to it (the ego).
PLU ~ Bob
Re: A Journey to Gnosis
Upon reflection, the word 'fear' was a poor choice of words. To be honest, I've never reflected much on the moment of separation, until now.
There was never a feeling of loosing myself, as I was more my true self than I was before or since. But thinking back on it, I felt like I was being given a choice to stay and give up my physical life or return to my life and family. I made a conscious decision to return because I was not ready to relinquish that part of myself. I know now that when the time comes, I will have this choice to make again.
At the moment of contact my physical life was disconnected from me. I then chose to return to my life. To some extent I was dead in a physical sense. (I'm not claiming this was a NDE, but who knows) Is it possible that this is the death and resurrection Yehosua was talking about? Is it this experience we must go through before we can truly live in the truth? Is this what is meant by 'Born Again' or 'Are you yet resurrected?'
I must admit, that when I opened my eyes, the world seemed new again. It was like my view of the world returned to that of a child, full of a new awe and wonder. A completely different way of seeing the world.
What do you think?
There was never a feeling of loosing myself, as I was more my true self than I was before or since. But thinking back on it, I felt like I was being given a choice to stay and give up my physical life or return to my life and family. I made a conscious decision to return because I was not ready to relinquish that part of myself. I know now that when the time comes, I will have this choice to make again.
At the moment of contact my physical life was disconnected from me. I then chose to return to my life. To some extent I was dead in a physical sense. (I'm not claiming this was a NDE, but who knows) Is it possible that this is the death and resurrection Yehosua was talking about? Is it this experience we must go through before we can truly live in the truth? Is this what is meant by 'Born Again' or 'Are you yet resurrected?'
I must admit, that when I opened my eyes, the world seemed new again. It was like my view of the world returned to that of a child, full of a new awe and wonder. A completely different way of seeing the world.
What do you think?
seekerjuan- Regular Member
- Number of posts : 75
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Registration date : 2009-04-26
Re: A Journey to Gnosis
seekerjuan wrote:Upon reflection, the word 'fear' was a poor choice of words. To be honest, I've never reflected much on the moment of separation, until now.
There was never a feeling of loosing myself, as I was more my true self than I was before or since. But thinking back on it, I felt like I was being given a choice to stay and give up my physical life or return to my life and family. I made a conscious decision to return because I was not ready to relinquish that part of myself. I know now that when the time comes, I will have this choice to make again.
At the moment of contact my physical life was disconnected from me. I then chose to return to my life. To some extent I was dead in a physical sense. (I'm not claiming this was a NDE, but who knows) Is it possible that this is the death and resurrection Yehosua was talking about? Is it this experience we must go through before we can truly live in the truth? Is this what is meant by 'Born Again' or 'Are you yet resurrected?'
I must admit, that when I opened my eyes, the world seemed new again. It was like my view of the world returned to that of a child, full of a new awe and wonder. A completely different way of seeing the world.
What do you think?
Yes, I think that is what the meaning of "re-birth" is - experience with a totally new (Spiritual) perception.
PLU ~ Bob
Re: A Journey to Gnosis
Admin wrote:Greatest I am wrote:Admin wrote:I would describe my experience as merging/uniting with the ALL (Godhead/Light/Energy). As losing the lower (carnal / intellectual / individual) self (ego) and rising to the higher (Spirit) Self. Of true UNION (YOGA). The SINGULARITY of singularities. Where nothing but pure Light Energy and Bliss exist. Just Sat Chit Anand (Truth, Consciousness, and Bliss).
PLU ~ Bob
It is my thought that the ego is adjusted and not lost. If it were, then what comes back out? No ego = no you.
You obviously kept your ego or you would not be here telling the story.
Perhaps, instead of saying 'losing' the ego, I should have said 'leaving it behind' while on the journey. I believe that one day there will be no need to return to it (the ego).
PLU ~ Bob
Sounds like what happens upon death of the body.
That fits with my view of the cosmic consciousness. I see it as our next evolution.
I do not see us having the choice to stay there if the body wants to continue to live though.
I saw no light there but OBE proponents and their experience says that if the body can live it will and will always have the essense of the person return. They say they are told to return but I see it more as them being draged back by the body or brain.
Greatest I am- Regular Member
- Number of posts : 52
Age : 74
Registration date : 2009-04-28
Re: A Journey to Gnosis
seekerjuan wrote:Upon reflection, the word 'fear' was a poor choice of words. To be honest, I've never reflected much on the moment of separation, until now.
There was never a feeling of loosing myself, as I was more my true self than I was before or since. But thinking back on it, I felt like I was being given a choice to stay and give up my physical life or return to my life and family. I made a conscious decision to return because I was not ready to relinquish that part of myself. I know now that when the time comes, I will have this choice to make again.
At the moment of contact my physical life was disconnected from me. I then chose to return to my life. To some extent I was dead in a physical sense. (I'm not claiming this was a NDE, but who knows) Is it possible that this is the death and resurrection Yehosua was talking about? Is it this experience we must go through before we can truly live in the truth? Is this what is meant by 'Born Again' or 'Are you yet resurrected?'
I must admit, that when I opened my eyes, the world seemed new again. It was like my view of the world returned to that of a child, full of a new awe and wonder. A completely different way of seeing the world.
What do you think?
Religiously speaking, Genesis --you will surely die--did not mean physical death. It meant the death of innocence and a rebirth in the knowledge of good and evil or the birth of Eve’s moral sense. That is how they recognized their nakedness and were ashamed because sex has good and evil implications or issues.
It is the death of an old way of thinking and the birth or rebirth of a new way of thinking.
Greatest I am- Regular Member
- Number of posts : 52
Age : 74
Registration date : 2009-04-28
Re: A Journey to Gnosis
Greatest I am wrote:Admin wrote:Greatest I am wrote:Admin wrote:I would describe my experience as merging/uniting with the ALL (Godhead/Light/Energy). As losing the lower (carnal / intellectual / individual) self (ego) and rising to the higher (Spirit) Self. Of true UNION (YOGA). The SINGULARITY of singularities. Where nothing but pure Light Energy and Bliss exist. Just Sat Chit Anand (Truth, Consciousness, and Bliss).
PLU ~ Bob
It is my thought that the ego is adjusted and not lost. If it were, then what comes back out? No ego = no you.
You obviously kept your ego or you would not be here telling the story.
Perhaps, instead of saying 'losing' the ego, I should have said 'leaving it behind' while on the journey. I believe that one day there will be no need to return to it (the ego).
PLU ~ Bob
Sounds like what happens upon death of the body.
That fits with my view of the cosmic consciousness. I see it as our next evolution.
I do not see us having the choice to stay there if the body wants to continue to live though.
I saw no light there but OBE proponents and their experience says that if the body can live it will and will always have the essense of the person return. They say they are told to return but I see it more as them being draged back by the body or brain.
Please understand that when I referred to "leaving the ego behind" - I did not mean an OBE, but an Inner Spiritual Experience.
Here is an interesting quote from the Gospel of Philip:
“Those who say ‘they will die first and then rise’ are in error. If they do not first receive the resurrection while they live, when they die they will receive nothing.”
Re: A Journey to Gnosis
Admin wrote:
Here is an interesting quote from the Gospel of Philip:
“Those who say ‘they will die first and then rise’ are in error. If they do not first receive the resurrection while they live, when they die they will receive nothing.”
I'm beginning to see the point here. Because of this experience I feel that I am able to prepare more specifically for the "next level" or joining to The Light. Rather than, feeling about in the dark, so to speak, I understand, better, what I must learn and what I must come to terms with.
The mystery, so to speak, is gone and I know the reality.
seekerjuan- Regular Member
- Number of posts : 75
Age : 61
Registration date : 2009-04-26
Re: A Journey to Gnosis
Admin wrote:Greatest I am wrote:Admin wrote:Greatest I am wrote:Admin wrote:I would describe my experience as merging/uniting with the ALL (Godhead/Light/Energy). As losing the lower (carnal / intellectual / individual) self (ego) and rising to the higher (Spirit) Self. Of true UNION (YOGA). The SINGULARITY of singularities. Where nothing but pure Light Energy and Bliss exist. Just Sat Chit Anand (Truth, Consciousness, and Bliss).
PLU ~ Bob
It is my thought that the ego is adjusted and not lost. If it were, then what comes back out? No ego = no you.
You obviously kept your ego or you would not be here telling the story.
Perhaps, instead of saying 'losing' the ego, I should have said 'leaving it behind' while on the journey. I believe that one day there will be no need to return to it (the ego).
PLU ~ Bob
Sounds like what happens upon death of the body.
That fits with my view of the cosmic consciousness. I see it as our next evolution.
I do not see us having the choice to stay there if the body wants to continue to live though.
I saw no light there but OBE proponents and their experience says that if the body can live it will and will always have the essense of the person return. They say they are told to return but I see it more as them being draged back by the body or brain.
Please understand that when I referred to "leaving the ego behind" - I did not mean an OBE, but an Inner Spiritual Experience.
Here is an interesting quote from the Gospel of Philip:
“Those who say ‘they will die first and then rise’ are in error. If they do not first receive the resurrection while they live, when they die they will receive nothing.”
I would say that he was wrong and does not speak for God.
Gnostics are not known for reding scripture literally. I do not.
The mental adjustments as a person makes contact with the godhead, if I can call it that, are basically instantanious.
We all recieve whatever is required on the way in.
Greatest I am- Regular Member
- Number of posts : 52
Age : 74
Registration date : 2009-04-28
Re: A Journey to Gnosis
I understand where you are coming from symbolically. We take from myth what our spirit needs. However, I don't think the God of Genesis actually knew man even had a soul or spirit to begin with. In my opinion, based on my experience (not the Spiritual One alone) and other sources, He was exaggerating to scare Adam and Eve to keep them in darkness. It was Christos, who was helping man, even then, to find gnosis and save Adam and Eve from the soulless existence they were condemned to by the Demiurge.Greatest I am wrote:
Religiously speaking, Genesis --you will surely die--did not mean physical death. It meant the death of innocence and a rebirth in the knowledge of good and evil or the birth of Eve’s moral sense. That is how they recognized their nakedness and were ashamed because sex has good and evil implications or issues.
It is the death of an old way of thinking and the birth or rebirth of a new way of thinking.
The message of Genesis, for me, is that Knowledge and Eternal life will give man the ability to manipulate the dust (DNA, matter, energy) just as God did in forming all life on earth. God wanted to keep man from attaining this so that man would not be a threat to His authority or, perhaps, to keep man from harming the Universe itself. That is not spelled out that I have found.
I'm sure you have a different angle on this, but that is the beauty of Gnosticism, we each must find a personal path. This interpretation is what I need to push me toward gnosis...
seekerjuan- Regular Member
- Number of posts : 75
Age : 61
Registration date : 2009-04-26
Re: A Journey to Gnosis
seekerjuan wrote:I understand where you are coming from symbolically. We take from myth what our spirit needs. However, I don't think the God of Genesis actually knew man even had a soul or spirit to begin with. In my opinion, based on my experience (not the Spiritual One alone) and other sources, He was exaggerating to scare Adam and Eve to keep them in darkness. It was Christos, who was helping man, even then, to find gnosis and save Adam and Eve from the soulless existence they were condemned to by the Demiurge.Greatest I am wrote:
Religiously speaking, Genesis --you will surely die--did not mean physical death. It meant the death of innocence and a rebirth in the knowledge of good and evil or the birth of Eve’s moral sense. That is how they recognized their nakedness and were ashamed because sex has good and evil implications or issues.
It is the death of an old way of thinking and the birth or rebirth of a new way of thinking.
The message of Genesis, for me, is that Knowledge and Eternal life will give man the ability to manipulate the dust (DNA, matter, energy) just as God did in forming all life on earth. God wanted to keep man from attaining this so that man would not be a threat to His authority or, perhaps, to keep man from harming the Universe itself. That is not spelled out that I have found.
I'm sure you have a different angle on this, but that is the beauty of Gnosticism, we each must find a personal path. This interpretation is what I need to push me toward gnosis...
I do not read any gospels literally. Not even Gnostic one's. My understanding is that Gnostics consider all scripture good for thought but do not take any as real history.
Gnosticism today seems to have fractured as badly as Christianity itself into many diverse sects. I remain a free thinker not ruled by any gospel.
Greatest I am- Regular Member
- Number of posts : 52
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Re: A Journey to Gnosis
Greatest I Am, I totally agree with you. The "scripture" is not of a literal sense, it is examples of experiences of what these "people" did in the seeking of their own essence, what they felt they understood and maybe this is why there seems to be discrepancy. This "world" is blinded to this, binding the scripture to the literal.
Gnosis is a gift to those with True understanding of what IS, they are the light bearers of Truth. We carry with us the "unseen, unknowing" Light of Truth. Our wisdom and knowledge for this understanding is fed to us at the proper time. Follow your intuition, this is your guide, answers are not always made clear and seem never to be in one specific place, persevere, for what ever it is you are being made to seek, "seek", the answer will hit you like a "bolt of lightning".
Understanding this, what then is the purpose? Some say there is non (this is also found in the scripture) and others I find to be quite selfish...."save yourself"........I can't do that, this is not who I am.
The most precious gift is that of giving, helping others to see what Truth is. Give freely that which has been given you. The key factor in this is Discernment. One must be able to adjust themselves to whatever the level is of those who look for understanding, at the same time never imposing your will upon them (churches). The best thing I have found is to turn the question back to them in a way that allows them to find the answer to their own question. Foolishness speaks, the wise man listens.
Gnosis is a gift to those with True understanding of what IS, they are the light bearers of Truth. We carry with us the "unseen, unknowing" Light of Truth. Our wisdom and knowledge for this understanding is fed to us at the proper time. Follow your intuition, this is your guide, answers are not always made clear and seem never to be in one specific place, persevere, for what ever it is you are being made to seek, "seek", the answer will hit you like a "bolt of lightning".
Understanding this, what then is the purpose? Some say there is non (this is also found in the scripture) and others I find to be quite selfish...."save yourself"........I can't do that, this is not who I am.
The most precious gift is that of giving, helping others to see what Truth is. Give freely that which has been given you. The key factor in this is Discernment. One must be able to adjust themselves to whatever the level is of those who look for understanding, at the same time never imposing your will upon them (churches). The best thing I have found is to turn the question back to them in a way that allows them to find the answer to their own question. Foolishness speaks, the wise man listens.
Dramos- New Member
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Re: A Journey to Gnosis
Dramos wrote:Greatest I Am, I totally agree with you. The "scripture" is not of a literal sense, it is examples of experiences of what these "people" did in the seeking of their own essence, what they felt they understood and maybe this is why there seems to be discrepancy. This "world" is blinded to this, binding the scripture to the literal.
Gnosis is a gift to those with True understanding of what IS, they are the light bearers of Truth. We carry with us the "unseen, unknowing" Light of Truth. Our wisdom and knowledge for this understanding is fed to us at the proper time. Follow your intuition, this is your guide, answers are not always made clear and seem never to be in one specific place, persevere, for what ever it is you are being made to seek, "seek", the answer will hit you like a "bolt of lightning".
Understanding this, what then is the purpose? Some say there is non (this is also found in the scripture) and others I find to be quite selfish...."save yourself"........I can't do that, this is not who I am.
The most precious gift is that of giving, helping others to see what Truth is. Give freely that which has been given you. The key factor in this is Discernment. One must be able to adjust themselves to whatever the level is of those who look for understanding, at the same time never imposing your will upon them (churches). The best thing I have found is to turn the question back to them in a way that allows them to find the answer to their own question. Foolishness speaks, the wise man listens.
Thanks for that.
I agree with all but your last sentence.
Do not think of what you say as foolishness.
I do not when I speak, so this wise one also likes to speak.
If the wise never speak then they do not do their duty to mankind.
Greatest I am- Regular Member
- Number of posts : 52
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Re: A Journey to Gnosis
Yes this is true, after the posting and reviewing of this it was realized. There was a time when I would just jump into or abrubtley interrupt a conversation, this is what I considered "foolishness" on my part, I then came to realize that it is better to be patient and let the conversation unfold before speaking, being aware of what direction it is taking, and then fill in where needed.
Dramos- New Member
- Number of posts : 11
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Re: A Journey to Gnosis
Dramos wrote:Yes this is true, after the posting and reviewing of this it was realized. There was a time when I would just jump into or abrubtley interrupt a conversation, this is what I considered "foolishness" on my part, I then came to realize that it is better to be patient and let the conversation unfold before speaking, being aware of what direction it is taking, and then fill in where needed.
Good patience. Not like me at all.
I am more reactive. I have a hard time holding back when I see or hear something that just does not jive.
Oh well.
I -- know thyself-- a small bit.
Greatest I am- Regular Member
- Number of posts : 52
Age : 74
Registration date : 2009-04-28
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