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Post by Admin Mon Nov 12, 2007 6:23 pm

(Part 1 of 2 posts)

The Spiritual “FOOD” (or “DRINK”) of God is spoken of throughout the scriptures of all the great world religions. It may seem a strange thing, but it refers to the inner Spiritual sustenance, which is revealed by all genuine Masters, and universally experienced by Mystic initiates. In the Judaeo-Christian tradition it has been called “manna”, “bread from Heaven”, “milk and honey”, “living water”, “elixir”, etc; while in the east it has been referred to as “nectar”, “ambrosia”, “soma”, “amrita”, etc. – i.e. the Divine ‘food of the Gods’. Here follows a list of quotations from the Hebrew Scriptures, followed by some others from other religious traditions.

“I (the Lord) have come down to deliver them… and to raise them up out of this land, to a great and good place, a [Spiritual] land flowing with Milk and Honey.” Exod 3:8

“The Israelites called the Heavenly Food ‘Manna’… and the taste was like honey.” Exod 16:31

“The Israelites sang this song: ‘Well up, O spring of [Spiritual] Water! Greet it with song: the Holy Spring unearthed by [Divine] Princes, revealed by the Noble [Holy] Ones’.” Num 21:17-18

“He (the Lord) fed you (the Israelites) with Manna, which neither you nor your fathers had previously known, in order that you might know that [Spiritual] man does not live by [physical] bread.” Deut 8:3

“God then opened up a hollow place within his (Samson’s) jaw, and water began to flow out. Samson drank and immediately the Spirit revived him; thus he called this [inner] Spring: ‘the Well of the invoker’ (i.e. of those who invoke the living God).” Judges 15:19

“They (the initiated) feast on the bounty of Your (Yahweh’s) House; You give them drink from Your abundant River of [Spiritual] Pleasure.” Psalm 36:8

“He (the Lord) commanded the highest realms, and opened the doors of Heaven, He rained down Manna to feed them (the Israelites), He gave them the Bread of Heaven. So men ate the Immortal Food which satisfies the heart.” Psalm 78:23-25

“Whoever lacks [Divine] Knowledge, let him turn within; and to those who seek understanding, Wisdom says: ‘Come, eat of my [Spiritual] Bread, and drink the [Spiritual] Wine which I have prepared.” Prov 9:4-5

“Eat the [Spiritual] Honey, My son, for it is good; and let the sweetness be upon thy tongue: thus shall Wisdom be revealed in your soul.” Prov 24:13-14

“Butter and Honey shall he (a disciple of the Lord) eat, when he decides to reject evil and choose what is good.” Isaiah 7:15

“With joy shall you (the initiate) draw Water from the Well of Salvation.” Isaiah 12:3

“Come to the Water all you who are [Spiritually] thirsty; though you have no money, come! Buy Corn without money and eat, and, free of price, drink Wine and Milk. Why do you spend money on that which cannot truly satisfy?” Isaiah 55:1-2

“On that day a fountain will be opened to the house of David (i.e. the "beloved of God") and the inhabitants of Jerusalem (i.e. the "Spiritual Abode of Peace"), to cleanse them from sin and impurity.” Zec 13:1

“You (the Lord) give Your chosen people the Food of angels: Bread from Heaven ready prepared, rich in delight and satisfying to every taste.” (Wisdom 16:20).

“Our Father in Heaven… give us today Your Supersubstantial (Eternal / Spiritual) Bread.” Matt 6:9 & 11

“Whoever drinks of the Water that I (the Lord) give shall never thirst again; for the Water that I give is an inner Spring: the Well of Eternal Life.” John 4:14

“Jesus said to them: ‘I have food to eat that you know nothing about’.” John 4:32

“Strive not for food which perishes, but for the Food which lasts and gives Eternal Life, which the Son of Man will give you… My Father gives the true Bread from Heaven; for the Bread of God is that which comes down from Heaven and gives [Spiritual] Life to the world.” John 6:27-33

“From within you (initiated disciples) shall flow streams of Living Water.” John 7:38

“To those who are victorious I (the Lord) will give the hidden Manna.” Rev 2:17

“The Lamb who is at the heart of the [Heavenly] Throne will be their shepherd, and shall lead them to the Fountain of Life-giving Water.” Rev 7:17

“To those who thirst I (the Lord) will give of the Water of Life freely.” Rev 21:6

“My (an initiate’s) eyes have gazed on that which is Eternal, on Wisdom concealed from men… on a Spring of Glory hidden from carnal men.” (Dead Sea Scrolls: ‘Community Rule’ Col. XI).

“I thank Thee, O Lord, for Thou hast placed me (an initiate) beside the Fountain of Living Waters in this arid land… beside the Garden of Delight in this wilderness… trees of Life beside a Fountain of Mystery… No one shall approach that Well-Spring of Life or drink the Waters of Holiness… who seeing have not discerned, and considering have not believed in the Fountain of Life.” (Dead Sea Scrolls: ‘Hymn’ 14).

“May the Lord open for you from Heaven the Eternal Fountain which does not fail… May He unlock for you the everlasting Fountain; may He not withhold the Water of Life from them that thirst!” (Dead Sea Scrolls: ‘Liturgical Fragments’).

“Those who honour the True and Eternal God inherit Life, dwelling in the luxuriant garden of [Spiritual] Paradise throughout Eternity, feasting on sweet Bread from starry Heaven.” (Sibylline Oracles 1:46-49).

“From Heaven shall come a sweet draught of luscious Honey.” (Sibylline Oracles 3:746).

“An Ambrosial Stream distilling sweet Honey from rock and fountain, and Heavenly Milk will flow for all the Righteous.” (Sibylline Oracles 5:282).

“Having washed off all their former vices with the Waters of the Immortal Spring, so that, born from above, they may no longer serve the lawless customs of this (carnal / material) world.” (Sibylline Oracles 8:315).

“The souls of the Righteous are separated by the Spring of Enlightening Water which they have.” (1ENOCH 22:9).

“And there flowed fourth from them (the trees of Paradise) Nectar.” (1ENOCH 31:1).

“I (Enoch) saw the Fountain of Righteousness which is inexhaustible, and around it were many Fountains of Wisdom. All those who thirst drink of them and are filled with Wisdom.” (1ENOCH 48:1).

“Springs come forth from Paradise which send out [Spiritual] Honey and Milk.” (2ENOCH 8:5).

“Open Your (the Lord’s) bountiful Springs which abundantly supply us with Milk and Honey.” (Odes of Solomon 4:10).

“From the Most High the Drink was given. Blessed, therefore, are the Ministers of that Drink, who have been entrusted with that Water of His.” (Odes of Solomon 6:12-13).

“Drink My (the Lord’s) Holy Milk and thus you will Live.” (Odes of Solomon 8:14).

“From the Lord’s Spring came Enlightening Water in abundance to my (an initiate’s) lips. I drank and became intoxicated with the Living Water of Eternal Life; but my drunkenness was not that of ignorance, for I forsook vanity and turned to God Most High.” (Odes of Solomon 11:6-8 ).

“Fill yourselves with Water from the Living Spring of the Lord, for it has been opened to you (initiates). Come all you who thirst, and take the Drink, and rest by the Fountain of the Lord. For it is pleasing and pure, and gives rest to the soul. More pleasant is its Water than honey, and the honeycomb of bees is not to be compared with it. For it flows from the lips of the Lord, and from the heart of the Lord is it named. And it comes boundless and invisible, and until it is set in their midst they do not know it. Blessed are they who have drunk from it, and have found rest thereby.” (Odes of Solomon 30:1-7).

“I (Ezra) opened my mouth, and behold, a cup was offered me; it was full of something like water, but its colour was like fire. I took it and drank; and when I had finished my heart overflowed with [Spiritual] Understanding.”
(2Esdras or 4Ezra 14:39-40).

“For in them (the Spiritually Wise, i.e. initiates) is the Spring of Understanding, the Fountain of Wisdom, and the River of Knowledge.” (2Esdras or 4Ezra 14:47).

“All of you (the uninitiated) are sleeping, dreaming dreams. Wake up and return, taste and eat the true Food! Hand out the Word and the Water of Life!” (NHL – Concept of Our Great Power).

continued in the following post: .........

Last edited by on Sat Nov 24, 2007 7:52 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Post by Admin Mon Nov 12, 2007 6:25 pm

............ Continued from previous post:

“Satisfy yourselves with the true Wine in which there is no drunkenness nor error.” (NHL – Teaching of Silvanus).

“It is a hidden Light, bearing the fruit of Life, pouring forth Living Water from the invisible, unpolluted, immeasurable Spring.” (NHL – Trimorphic Protennoia).

“I gave to him from the Living Water, which strips away the chaos that exists in darkness.” (NHL – Trimorphic Protennoia).

“In the crown of the head is the King established: Who, with His Immortal Food, nourishes them that are founded upon Him… They glorify the Father of All… whose immortal and never failing Food they have received, and have drunk of the Wine that removes all worldly thirsts and desires.” (ACTS of Thomas 6-7).

“Give them drink out of Thy Immortal Fountain.” (ACTS of Thomas 25).

“We (initiates) speak of the world which is above: of God and Angels, of Watchers and Holy Ones, of the Immortal Food and the Sacred Drink of the True Vine.” (ACTS of Thomas 36).

“Blessed are the ministers of that quenching [Spiritual] Drink, to whom the Lord’s Water is entrusted… For they all Know their True Self through the Lord, and are saved through the Water of Eternal Life.” (Pistis Sophia).

“O would that I might reach that dear refuge of His, where those devoted to God dwell in joy… There, in Vishnu’s highest place, is the Fountain of Ambrosia.” (Rig Veda 1:154, 5).

“Your inexhaustible breast, O Lord, that flows with the Food of Life, that satisfies all desire, freely giving the greatest Treasure.” (Rig Veda 1:164, 49).

“Let him obtain vital strength for his body through the nourishing and Inspiring Drink.” (Rig Veda 1:165, 15).

“Let us become ecstatic, O God, and invigorated by Your Drink of Ecstasy… Let us discover the Drink whose luscious drops give [Spiritual] strength and Ecstasy.” (Rig Veda 1:185, 9 & 11).

“The ‘Elixir of Immortality’, that is the name of the Secret Food: ‘tongue of the Gods’, ‘navel of Immortality’… these streams of [Spiritual] butter flow from the ocean of the heart, enclosed by a hundred fences so that the enemy (i.e. Satan) cannot see them.” (Rig Veda 4:58, 1 & 5).

“I gave him the Ambrosia that sets one free.” (Rig Veda 5:2, 3).

“Those pure and clear Waters that drip Honey… All the Gods drink in ecstasy the exhilarating nourishment… Let the Waters, who are Goddesses, help me here and now.” (Rig Veda 7:49, 3 & 4).

“I have tasted the sweet Drink of Life, knowing that it inspires good thoughts and joyous expansiveness to the extreme, that all the Gods and mortals seek it together, calling it Honey… We have drunk the Soma; we have become Immortal… O you glorious, freedom giving drops!” (Rig Veda 8:48, 1 & 3).

“Four hidden Springs pouring forth Butter carry down from Heaven the Ambrosia that is the true [Spiritual] gift.” (Rig Veda 9:74, 6).

“Waters, you are the ones who bring us the Life Force… Let us share in that most delicious Sap that you have… Waters, yield your cure as an armour for my body… Carry far away all of this that has gone bad in me… I have sought the Waters today; we have joined with their Sap. O Holy Fire, full of moisture, come and flood me with Splendour.” (Rig Veda 10:9, v. 1, 2, & 7-9).

“When the embodied soul is able to transcend the lower nature of being, he will become free from rebirth and suffering, and may drink of the immortal Nectar even in this life.” (Bhagavad Gita 14:20).

“I am the creator of the Divine Food… I proclaim Right and Truth, and I live therein. I am the Divine Food, which is incorruptible in My Name of Spirit.” (Book of the Dead 85:2-4).

“Hail, Great God, thou Lord of Heavenly Food!” (Book of the Dead 106:2).

“Homage to You, O Lord of Food, I have come in peace to Your field to receive Heavenly Food.” (Book of the Dead 110: vignette).

“Hail, Ye Gods… let Your Pools be opened to me, let Your Streams be opened to me… let me be satisfied with Your Food, let me be lifted up, let my heart be great.” (Book of the Dead 149 [14]:6-9).

“I (Poimandres) sowed in them the Word of Wisdom, and they were nourished by Ambrosial Water.” (Poimandres: Corpus Hermeticum 1:29).

“Your Watered Gardens are filled with Honey Wine, and in Your Palace grows Eternal Life.” (Sumerian Hymns: To Ninurta as God of Vegetation).

“In the ‘Gate of Pure Water’ I was sprinkled with the Water of Purification.” (Akkadian Wisdom Literature: ‘I Will Praise the Lord of Wisdom’ 4:88 ).

“The ‘Honey-man’, the ‘Honey-man’ sweetens me always, my Lord, the ‘Honey-man’ of God, my favoured of the womb, whose hand is Honey, whose foot is Honey, sweetens me always.” (Sumerian Love Song: ‘The Honey-man’).

“I am the Sacred Drink, Haoma, the Holy One who drives death away.” (Yasna 9:2).

“Praise to Haoma! Good is Haoma… true and righteous by nature… good and healing… It is the best to drink for it completely satisfies the soul.” (Yasna 9:17).

“Haoma grants Grace and Knowledge.” (Yasna 9:22).

“He took a shining key and opened Treasuries full of Nectar and lovely Ambrosia.” (Homeric Hymns: Hymn 4).

“In a golden cup his Father extends to him the Divine Nectar.” (Homeric Hymn to the Delian Apollo).

“Ambrosial Fountains flow past the Palace and the Throne of Zeus.” (Euripides: Hippolytus).

“The rock-bound Spring that fed the twin brothers with Nectar.” (Inscription from Santa Prisca).

“O Thou who rejoices in true kindness… Thou quenchest the fire that vexes living beings, Thou pourest out Nectar: the rain of Truth.” (Saddharmapundarikasutra).

“The Jordans (Spiritual rivers) of the Light Realm are full of white Water, whiter than milk, cool and tasty.” (Ginza Rba 1:9).

“The Angel who accompanied me from the abode of the Great Life held a staff of Living Water in His hand… and my sick heart found healing and my alien soul found relief.” (Ginza 377).

“Rejoice this day; for you shall enter the gardens watered by Living Streams and dwell in Eternal Life. This is indeed the Supreme Achievement!” (Koran 57:12).

“All evil is quenched and extinguished in the devotee by pouring the Water of the Lord. Thus the heart, like the lotus, shall blossom; it shall be filled to the brim with Nectar.” (Sri Rag, p.21).

“On me He bestowed the Nectar in a cup, the Nectar which comes from His True and Holy Name.” (Rag Majh ki Var, p.150).

“If you have tasted the Divine Ambrosia, you are held spellbound by its wonder.” (M 5 Gauri 180-13).

“He is ever intoxicated who drinks the Ambrosia. Other drinks intoxicate, but their effect soon wears off. The God-intoxicated person drinks Ambrosia; for him all other drinks become insipid.” (M 5 Asa 377-11).

PLU Very Happy

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Post by Apakhana Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:17 pm

I am under the impression that the "food" sex magick of an alchemical nature.

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Post by Guest Tue Nov 20, 2007 8:25 pm

I think it means that it is not of this plane, while a metapor of this plane is used (because it is known our minds are trapped here, and can only think in terms of the physical world, so non-physical things must be described in physical contexts to be understood)i don't think it is like real food. Real food is dead things, and while it fills up temporarily, it turns to poo and you are left empty again. The spirit is not like that, once filled you never loose it (unless you choose to) and you don't need a continuous supply, and it is NOT comprised of plant or animal corpses. I think it has more to do with satisfying, food SEEMS to satisfy, but it is a transient satisfaction, while the mystic food WILL fill you up, and never leave you empty again later.


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Post by Admin Tue Nov 20, 2007 9:09 pm

This Mystic sustenance has both Spiritual and physical elements. The Jews, with Moses, were apparently sustained physically in the desert for years on Manna. Jesus, we are told went into the desert for forty days and was obviously sustained on it. Yogis in India have been known to survive for prolonged periods (sometimes for years) on only the inner nectar of Life. It is mentioned in all the great Scriptures ~ being called Manna, Ambrosia, Nectar, Living Water, Food of Life.

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Post by Apakhana Fri Nov 30, 2007 12:11 pm

I just wanted to add something Samael Aun Weor spoke about regrding the "manna" - He was reffering to different ethers created using alchemy that nurish the astral body, the mental body, and others, etc... if I find the exact quotes I'll post them.
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Post by Admin Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:37 am

Here is an interesting video describing (in a materialistic sense) some of the Spiritual Experiences of the Holy Place of Meeting ~ the Mystic Light, and the Manna.


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Post by angelfire Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:15 am

Admin wrote:This Mystic sustenance has both Spiritual and physical elements. The Jews, with Moses, were apparently sustained physically in the desert for years on Manna. Jesus, we are told went into the desert for forty days and was obviously sustained on it. Yogis in India have been known to survive for prolonged periods (sometimes for years) on only the inner nectar of Life. It is mentioned in all the great Scriptures ~ being called Manna, Ambrosia, Nectar, Living Water, Food of Life.

This is known to me as "The River of Life", which waters "The Tree's of Life'-of which the fruit is the concentrated love of God.
The Tree's are of course the chakra's.
This is very advanced stuff and is not experienced until one has gone thru a number of purifying experiences. Each experience
increases the vibrational rate that is very necessary unless one wants to burn up, because the River of Life can also be called
Holy Fire. (See my username)


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Post by BelzeBob Tue Jan 01, 2008 5:03 am

angelfire wrote:
Admin wrote:This Mystic sustenance has both Spiritual and physical elements. The Jews, with Moses, were apparently sustained physically in the desert for years on Manna. Jesus, we are told went into the desert for forty days and was obviously sustained on it. Yogis in India have been known to survive for prolonged periods (sometimes for years) on only the inner nectar of Life. It is mentioned in all the great Scriptures ~ being called Manna, Ambrosia, Nectar, Living Water, Food of Life.

This is known to me as "The River of Life", which waters "The Tree's of Life'-of which the fruit is the concentrated love of God.


Wow, that's beautiful.

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Post by in progress Sun Jul 20, 2008 5:50 am

Ambrosia, nectar, amrita etc can be experienced as a result of deep meditation, so I have read. It can also be experienced as a result of kundalini awakening. So I agree it is both a physical and spiritual experience.

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Post by sophia Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:19 pm

I agree with new progress that this is the divine nectar that comes from the pineal gland if we are chosen to receive it .

The crown chakra is actually outside of the body. it anchors to the pineal gland in the head.

The pineal gland produces a essential oil that fascilitates a direct connection to our creator. This oil is considered to be a sacred essence given to us by God. When the oil flows freely it penetrates every cell of bodies.

When this drop of divine nectar drips down from the creator it is transformed in the brow through the pineal gland. This ambrosia is stored in the lalana chakra which is the forehead chakra at the hairline.

It then flows from the hairline chakra to the heart chakra.
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