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Post by Admin Mon Nov 12, 2007 5:24 pm

The Mystic “SOUNDS” of the Spirit.

This internal audible experience of the Spirit is variously described as the “Voice of God”, or likened to the sounds of “thunder”, “rushing waters”, “wind”, “choirs of angels”, “trumpets” or other musical instruments. This experience is heard deep within the silence of our soul. Once again, we will let the ancient scriptures tell of the experience:

“There came thundering and lightning, and a cloud upon the mountain of God, and a great Voice like trumpets blasting, so that all the people in the camp trembled.” Exod 19:16

“The Sound, like trumpets, grew louder; when Moses spoke, God answered him with a Voice like thunder.” Exod 19:19

“The Holy Sound shall be heard when one enters the [Spiritual] Sanctuary of the Lord, so that [Spiritual] death may be overcome even when returning to the world.” Exod 28:35

“A Sacred Assembly proclaimed with the Holy trumpet call.” Lev 23:24

“From Heaven He (God) let you (initiates) hear His Voice for your instruction.” Deut 4:36

“Yahweh our God has shown us (the Israelites = initiates) His Glory and Greatness, and we have heard His Voice from the midst of the Fire. Today we have seen that God may speak with men without them dying!” Deut 5:24
It was generally believed by Jews at this time that actually seeing or hearing God would result in physical death; see e.g. Exod 20:19; 33:20 ; & Num 4:20; cf. 1John 4:12. This verse, and many others throughout the Bible, clearly contradicts such notions. Today many people believe that death is a prerequisite for any such personal contact with God!

“After the Fire there came a low murmuring Sound. When Elijah heard this he covered his head with his cloak.” 1Kings 19:12
Covering the head and body with a meditation cloth ('veil'/'tallit') while in communion with God is a requirement to this day for Mystic Initiates. An early example of this practice is when Moses communes with God: “He (Moses) would put a veil over his face whenever he went inwards to commune with the Lord; and he would remove the veil when he came out to report to the children of Israel all that he had been commanded, and the sons of Israel would then see that the face of Moses shone radiantly. Moses would put the veil over his face again when he went in to speak to Him (God).” Exod 34:33-35. Many English translations of this passage are nonsensical – confusing and destroying the true significance and meaning of the original by implying that Moses covered his face only when he came out from communing with God. If that were the case, how would Moses have communicated with the Israelites, and how would they have seen that his face shone, and, indeed, how would Moses have seen where he was going? What a Face See also 1Kings 19:12-13. Even today, the practice of covering the head is traditionally observed by many orthodox religionists during worship, e.g. all Jews, Muslims, and Sikhs. This covering, or veil, should actually enclose the whole body, and is often termed the “Tabernacle” / “Tent of Meeting”, i.e. the private place of meeting with God / Elohim / the Spirit.

“It is not in speech or language that the [Heavenly] Voice is heard! This Voice vibrates throughout all the Earth, and the Word reaches to the ends of the world. These are set within the Tabernacle of the [Heavenly] Sun.” Psalm 19:3-4

“God arises with a mighty Sound, Yahweh with a Sound like a horn.” Psalm 47:5

“I (God) answer you (a disciple) in the Secret Place of My Thunder.” Psalm 81:7

“Blessed are those who know the Blissful Sound.” Psalm 89:15

“Suddenly, in an instant, you (initiates of the Mystery) shall be visited by the Lord of hosts, with the Thundering and Vibrations of the Mighty Sound.” Isaiah 29:6

“Joy and gladness shall be found therein (in the Lord’s Spiritual Kingdom), thanksgiving and the melodious Sound.” Isaiah 51:3

“From His Holy dwelling He utters His Voice.” Jer 25:30

“I (Ezekiel) heard the Sound of their (angels) wings, like the sound of rushing water, or the Voice of the Almighty.” Ezek 1:24
Orthodoxy has always believed God’s Kingdom (Heaven, Paradise, etc.) to be a place somewhere high up in the sky! Early Jewish tradition held that God’s Messengers (Angels) must therefore descend from Heaven on ladders in order to deliver messages to humankind (see e.g. Gen 28:12 Surprised ). Later tradition presumed that Angels had ‘wings’ to enable them to commute between Heaven and Earth.alien Such beliefs are merely ‘fairy-tales’ initiated by those of a childish and materialistic mentality, and propagated by various Spiritually ignorant orthodoxies. Whether this passage represents Ezekiel’s original words cannot be known – if it does, he must have merely been using the reference to Angel’s “wings” symbolically of the ineffable Sound of the Spirit.

“The Spirit raised me (Ezekiel) up, and I heard behind me a great rushing Sound as the Glory of the Lord arose in its Abode.” Ezek 3:12

“The Temple court was filled with the Brightness of the Lord’s Glory, and the Sound of cherubs’ wings could be heard like the Voice of God Almighty when He speaks.” Ezek 10:4-5

“I (Ezekiel) saw the Glory of the God of Israel coming from the east. His Voice was like the sound of a mighty torrent, and the Earth shone with His Glory.” Ezek 43:2

“I (Daniel) could then understand because of the Sound and the Great Word which the [Sound like a] horn revealed.” Dan 7:11

“He (the Lord) will send His Messengers with the Great Sound like trumpets, and they will gather all His chosen ones.” Matt 24:31

“A Voice came from Heaven… some who heard it said it sounded like thunder, while others said it was the Voice of an angel.” John 12:28-29

“Suddenly there came a Sound from Heaven like that of a mighty wind.” Acts 2:2

“While I (John) was in the Spirit I heard a great Voice, like the sound of a trumpet.” Rev 1:10

“His (God’s) Voice was like the sound of rushing waters.” Rev 1:15

“The door of Heaven opened and I (John) heard the first Voice which sounded like a trumpet speaking to me.” Rev 4:1

“I (John) saw the Lamb break open the first of the seven seals, and I heard a Sound like thunder as one of the four Holy Beings said: ‘Come’!” Rev 6:1
Note the reference here to “four” Spiritual manifestations (“Holy Beings”), viz. The Divine ‘Name’, ‘Light’, ‘Sound’, and ‘Food’ of God. See Gen 2:10; Ezek 1:5-17; 10:10-21 ; 37:9; Dan 7:2; Zech 6:1-5; Rev 4:6; 5:14; 6:6; 14:3; & 19:4.

“I (John) heard a Sound from Heaven like the sound of rushing waters and the great roar of thunder: it seemed to be the sound of harpists playing their harps.” Rev 14:2

“I (John) heard what sounded like a vast crowd, like the sound of many waters and the great roar of thunder.” Rev 19:6

“The Lord said to me (Ezra): ‘Rise up (i.e. into Spiritual consciousness) and you will hear a great and completely harmonious Sound; but do not be frightened when you hear it vibrating within you.’… I rose up and listened, and beheld a Voice speaking, and its sound was like the sound of mighty waters.” (2Esdras or 4Ezra 6:13 & 17).

“You (the Lord) bringest forth the Sound according to Thy Mysteries.” (Dead Sea Scrolls: ‘Hymn’ 1).

“As they (the initiates) rise up (in the Spirit) they hear a Divine Small Voice.” (Dead Sea Scrolls: ‘Liturgical Fragments’ – ‘The Divine Throne-Chariot’).

“Wait, and you (Baruch) will see the Glory of God; and there came a great Sound like thunder.” (3Baruch 11:2-3).

“That he (Enoch) might see the highest realms and be an eye-witness of the… inexpressible Singing of the host of Cherubim, and of the boundless Light.” (2Enoch [J] 1a:2-6).

“My (an initiate’s) ear has heard the Sound like a trumpet… like the sound of many people, like a great high wind, like a tempest… The Sound which I hear is from Jerusalem – the Holy City.” (Psalms of Solomon 8:1-4).
The ‘Jerusalem’ (mentioned here) means: “Foundation of Peace”. The true (Spiritual) Jerusalem is not located on a map or built of bricks and mortar! It is another term originally used of the Heavenly abode of God (the Spirit).

“The Angels guarding Paradise are very radiant. They serve before the Lord unceasingly with sweet Singing and incessant Voice.” (2Enoch 8:8 ).

“In the midst of Heaven I (Enoch) saw the host of God worshiping with drums and pipes and unceasing sweet Voices, the Music of which is impossible to describe. Every mind is astonished at hearing the Sounds of the Angels, so marvelous and wonderful is their Singing.” (2Enoch 17:1).

“I (Enoch) have heard the Voice of the Lord, like great thunder.” (2Enoch 39:7).

“I (Adam) used to hear, before I sinned, the Sound of the Seraphim’s wings in Paradise… but after I transgressed against the Law, I no longer heard that Sound.” (Testament of Adam 1:4).

“He whom you (Abraham) will see coming directly towards us in the great Sound of Sanctification is the Eternal One who has loved you.” (Apocalypse of Abraham 16:3).

“A Voice came from the Fire (of God) like the sound of many waters, like the sound of the sea in its uproar.” (Apocalypse of Abraham 17:1).

“I (Abraham) heard a Voice like the roaring of the sea, and it did not cease from the perfection of the Fire [of God].” (Apocalypse of Abraham 18:2).

“We (James and Peter) sent our minds farther upward and saw with our [inner] eyes and heard with our [inner] ears Hymns and Angelic Benedictions and rejoicing.” (N.H.L. – Apocryphon of James).

“I (the Lord) am the Name of the Sound, and the Sound of the Name.” (N.H.L. – Thunder, Perfect Mind).

“We are saved by the hidden Wisdom mediated by the ineffable, immeasurable Voice.” (N.H.L. – Trimorphic Protennoia).

“It is I (the Saviour) who lift up the Sound of the Voice to the ears of those who know Me, that is, to the sons of Light (i.e. initiates).” (N.H.L. – Trimorphic Protennoia).

“I (the Saviour) cast the Sound of the Voice into the ears of those who know Me.” (N.H.L. – Trimorphic Protennoia).

These passages refer to, and attempt to describe, the great indescribable Mystic Sound of the Divine Spirit (God). This Sound or Voice of God is actually heard while in a state of deep meditation. It is not an external sound to be heard with our external ears, but through esoteric Spiritual senses, which are revealed during Initiation by a genuine Master.

PLU Very Happy

Last edited by Admin on Wed May 28, 2008 8:32 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Apakhana Thu Jan 03, 2008 10:42 am

Hmm, that is a good post.

I think there is no single English word or idea equavilent to describe the "Voice of God."

It is us, our real being, existing now. Like I have "heard," this being simply exists. It say's "I am - I will be what I will be." Interestingly enough this is what Moses described but is misinterpreted as an actual soundwave or voice that the physical ears of the human organism pick up when it is not the case.

My how the ego uses the intellect to obscure the truth right in front of us.

We as un-aware human animals mistakenly accept that the multi-faceted organism we wear, in conjunction with the psyche and all our intellect and ego is who we are but this is not the case.

Who we are is our being, and itself is the exact reason we exist.
I would love to hear anyone elaborate on this post with their perspective.
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Post by angelfire Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:01 pm

Apakhana wrote:Hmm, that is a good post.

I think there is no single English word or idea equavilent to describe the "Voice of God."

It is us, our real being, existing now. Like I have "heard," this being simply exists. It say's "I am - I will be what I will be." Interestingly enough this is what Moses described but is misinterpreted as an actual soundwave or voice that the physical ears of the human organism pick up when it is not the case.

My how the ego uses the intellect to obscure the truth right in front of us.

We as un-aware human animals mistakenly accept that the multi-faceted organism we wear, in conjunction with the psyche and all our intellect and ego is who we are but this is not the case.

Who we are is our being, and itself is the exact reason we exist.
I would love to hear anyone elaborate on this post with their perspective.

God is quite capable of speaking to you in your own language. Your post limits God. God is you, and you speak, so what makes you think that God can't.


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Post by Admin Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:11 pm

angelfire wrote:
Apakhana wrote:Hmm, that is a good post.

I think there is no single English word or idea equavilent to describe the "Voice of God."

It is us, our real being, existing now. Like I have "heard," this being simply exists. It say's "I am - I will be what I will be." Interestingly enough this is what Moses described but is misinterpreted as an actual soundwave or voice that the physical ears of the human organism pick up when it is not the case.

My how the ego uses the intellect to obscure the truth right in front of us.

We as un-aware human animals mistakenly accept that the multi-faceted organism we wear, in conjunction with the psyche and all our intellect and ego is who we are but this is not the case.

Who we are is our being, and itself is the exact reason we exist.
I would love to hear anyone elaborate on this post with their perspective.

God is quite capable of speaking to you in your own language. Your post limits God. God is you, and you speak, so what makes you think that God can't.

It is very simple ~ what God has to say is far beyond the capacity of any human language. There are no words in any human language to express the infinite Spirit of Love. Human languages were made for material beings ~ God's language is Spiritual, and for the Spiritual.

PLU Very Happy

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THE VOICE OF GOD Empty The Holy Voice of God is above All.

Post by Pila Wed Jan 09, 2008 3:17 pm

The Holy Voice of God is within you is a Shield of pure Love between you and the World. It’s like being in the right hand of God the Father.

I can be next to a 747 and the Voice of God is above that 747, or I can be in the middle of a forest and the Voice of God will be as quit as the flapping of a butterfly’s wings.

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Post by Guest Tue Jan 22, 2008 5:10 am

I would say that the word of God and the voice of God are different.
What would be that difference?


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Post by Pila Fri Jan 25, 2008 4:22 am

DarkChylde wrote:I would say that the word of God and the voice of God are different.
What would be that difference?

The word of God is by MAN,

The Voice of God is heard Within the sons of God, and it not anything like the voice of man.
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Post by Admin Fri Jan 25, 2008 5:53 am

Pila wrote:
DarkChylde wrote:I would say that the word of God and the voice of God are different.
What would be that difference?

The word of God is by MAN,

The Voice of God is heard Within the sons of God, and it not anything like the voice of man.

I would agree that the Voice of God is a mystic sound which is heard within, but I would describe the Word of God (Greek = Logos) as the mystic NAME / ESSENCE of ELOHIM (see - CLICK - here).

PLU Very Happy

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THE VOICE OF GOD Empty Telepathic contact.

Post by Greatest I am Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:30 pm

It happens that I have heard the voice of God.
This was while, as the ancients would say, I was in the spirit.
I translate this to be, in telepathic communication.

God's voice then does not express itself with sound but through a direct joining with our minds through telepathy.

Most have a hard time in believing that I did this because they not only have to believe in God but also in telepathy.

Since I have no better proof of this than anyone else who believes in their God. Most will not believe.

Oh well.

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Post by StarSeeker Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:13 am

Pila wrote:

The word of God is by MAN,

The Voice of God is heard Within the sons of God, and it not anything like the voice of man.

So would it be possible to "hear" the voice at all times? I know that it is there at all times, but would it be possible to hear it always?
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Post by Greatest I am Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:24 am

StarSeeker wrote:
Pila wrote:

The word of God is by MAN,

The Voice of God is heard Within the sons of God, and it not anything like the voice of man.

So would it be possible to "hear" the voice at all times? I know that it is there at all times, but would it be possible to hear it always?

If any man did, then all men would know it.

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